Sunday, December 5, 2010

Letter to Santa

Dearest Santa

Before you disqualify my letter based on age limits let me assure you I thought about it a lot.

I come from the era when kids did not have access to the advances in technology the world enjoys today. I am mostly assuming that your offices are up to date in embracing the latest tools to run office like say, exchange servers to send and receive mails at the least, and probably fax as well. You see these days a child does not have to worry about non-delivery of his mail because there is a very low possibility of the exchange servers like the giants of Google, or Yahoo failing to do their jobs. In my childhood the postal services were set in the manual mode. So while the postman that goes from door to door could have been a true hero, the system was still not as perfect. There were times mails got lost in transit, or got delivered very (and by that I mean very very) late. So when the technology arrived, we embraced it fast and ensured our kids do not end up with the same kind of troubles we had. Just in case you were wondering why you have so many emails this year and not letters stuck underneath the Xmas tree, that is the reason.

Why am I telling you all this? See, I know you are always inundated with requests from children across the world and with the ever growing population your staff might be a trifle challenged each year to keep up with the rate of increase. Yet, I am told you and your staff go to great lengths to ensure that every mail received is read and addressed. I remember I was fond of writing letters when I as very young but the whole concept of writing to you felt a bit awkward at first because I did not know you as much. Add to that the fact that everything I read about you said you would arrive through the chimney but my house did not have one. So I was not so very optimistic that you might choose to respond or even if you did, how would you come in right? That said, I think I did post a letter to you but I never heard back. Now that i think of it, i doubt it ever reached you. You see i used some scrap of paper that I found lying around, it might not have weathered your arctic cold well. That is if it really made beyond my local post office. There is a greater chance it might not have. So when my son ended up typing you a letter I felt i should just let you know that there is one pending from me as well and comes with "URGENT" marked all over it since it is long overdue.

I have grown through the years since i last sent you that mail, so the contents therein my be a bit outdated. I mean what is the point in asking you to give me a hand wound toy when every kid now enjoys a batter powered one? I sure do hope that you would give me some concession so I can re-do my list of requests. After having hit 5 and 30, and as a parent of two kids, I do realize that age is a limiting factor when it comes to carrying weight. You are so good at heart you never say 'No' to kids and want to hand deliver all gifts to place them under the tree, but I can understand. I will not add to that load. So here is my updated list (but my priority still stays, correct?):
1. Turn down the anxiety levels in every human mind to zero. I believe half the world's troubles are because mankind is so restless and impatient. 
2. Let every heart know it is okay to be satisfied with what we have and that happiness multiplies when it is shared with others. Tell us that the key to happiness is not always hidden under money.
3. Help us help others everyday, everywhere, regardless of who they might be. Tell us that these boundaries do not matter to you and so should not matter to us when it comes to fulfilling other's wishes.
4. Help us educate ourselves to gain knowledge and not just degrees. Tell us of what you see out there so we realize we are acting like frogs in the well.
5. Last but not the least, check my son's letter and get him what he needs. 

Now that I am using the latest technologies to get to you, I am positive you will get this note, and then if what the fairy tales say is true, you would definitely place me a note under the tree this time telling me of the status of the requests (my house has a chimney spout now).

Thank you.

Your friend


  1. Nice post! I wish Santa gets it :)

  2. :) - Santa has given instructions to me that i shld follow the list ;)

    I will try my level best...

    Ragini Sudershan

  3. If Santa had time to fulfill one list before mine I'd ask him to check your list!! It definitely beats the bunch. Happy New Year!!!

  4. I believe Santa should have received this list. But not sure if he can really clear them because those are something it is difficult for him to deliver.
    If he had really got them cleared after this chirstmas, Forbes can never find first 100 world's rich list,Reliance brothers will never compete with to show each other, No politicians will be tagged with any scams, There will be no food inflation, All rivers will flow with milk and honey....I think I am dreaming....Happy Holidays, Happy new year 2011
